120 gr. all purpose flour
30 gr. cornstarch
20 gr. unsweetened cocoa
10 gr. baking powder
pinch of salt
1 egg
1 medium ripe banana sprinkled with lemon juice.
100 gr. sugar
70 ml. coconut oil (or other vegetable oil)
100 gr. plain yogurt
vanilla essence (powder or extract)
1. Sift together all dry ingredients except cocoa.
2. Place pieces of banana, yogurt and oil in a blender. Blend til smooth. Set aside.
3. Beat sugar and egg until fluffy and light.
4. Add and mix in the banana mixture.
5. Gradually fold in the flour mixture. Mix well without over mixing.
6. Divide batter into two equal parts (in two small bowls).
7. leave one part plain, to the other sift and mix in the cocoa powder.
8. Alternate spoonfuls of both batters one on top of the other as shown in a buttered and wax paper lined 8 inch (18 cm) cake pan with removable rim.
9. When cake pan is filled place it in a preheated 180deg C (370deg F) oven for about 30-35 minutes or until top of cake is firm when pressed lightly with a finger. Cool in pan for 10 minutes before removing. Dust top with powdered sugar if desired.