Euroflora 2018 – Cooking with Wild Herbs

A boatload of herbs of the common garden variety – many though can be found in the wild.

The common Plantago Major. Good for making pesto.

Beautiful Borage – here you can’t see it’s pretty blue flowers. A powerful antioxidant. Here the recipe suggests using it in a ravioli filling.

The pretty Primrose has edible flowers and leaves. Here they suggest it served in a salad.

The common Parietaria officinalis (or lichwort).  Good cooked and pureed in mashed potatoes.

The common caper. Delicious in a pasta roll filled with cheese, capers and prosciutto.

Umbilicus Rupestris ( Common name: Ombelico di Venere or Belly button of Venus). Here used in a pesto recipe.

Silene. Here the young shoots are used in a risotto recipe.

Euroflora was held in the seaside parks of beautiful Nervi near Genova.

Seaside view from the edge of the park.